Thursday, November 28, 2019

5 Types of Video Content That You Can Make In-House

If you’re looking to beef up your content marketing mix, more video can add a great deal of value. Videos are powerful marketing tools – on average, they get 1200% more shares than images and text combined. Other research shows that even just adding a clickable screenshot of a video to an email can boost click-through rates by as much as 300%. Unfortunately, there’s a misconception that video content is best left to companies with the hefty marketing budgets needed to hire professional video producers. But there’s plenty of valuable video content that you can create in-house without huge costs. Here are five ideas to get you started. Product Demonstrations:Product demo videos are a fantastic way to show your product in action while also making potential customers feel like they are getting an exclusive inside look. Demos tend to highlight key features and answer common questions to get shoppers to see how they can get value and move them closer to buying. Vlog: If you’ve been creating high-quality content for your blog, why not put it in a video format as well to give your audience a wider variety of ways to consume your insights. These are some of the easiest types of videos to produce and they tend to get high engagement. If you’re not sure where to begin, take some cues from some of the top YouTube celebrities who have been able to capture and hold the attention of wide audiences. Company Culture: A major goal of content marketing is to showcase the vibrant, human side of your brand. One of the best ways to do this is to give viewers a peek at your company’s employees and culture. You don’t need to have a quirky, Google-esque culture to make this work. Company culture videos can include interviews with employees, company parties, birthday celebrations and more. The key is to show that your company isn’t a faceless entity but a mosaic of real people and personalities. How-To Tutorials: People tend to be visual learners and how-to tutorials are some of the most sought-after videos on the Internet. In fact, the number of YouTube searches for tutorial videos soared by 70% in 2015 alone. Providing helpful instructions and tutorials builds long-lasting customer loyalty and it also reaffirms your credibility and product knowledge. Webinar: A webinar can be a highly effective way to engage with your audience, especially for marketers in the B2B realm. In fact, a report from the Content Marketing Institute reveals that 66% of B2B marketers cite webinars as one of their most powerful content marketing strategies. Since webinars require users to register, they can also act as valuable lead-generation tools. As an added bonus, the content from a webinar can also be repurposed into blog posts.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Pаul Krugmаns Fоr Richеr

PÐ °ul KrugmÐ °ns FÐ ¾r RichÐ µr Free Online Research Papers Th? study ?f th? p?litic?l ?c?n?my ?f ?m?ric? in th? r?c?nt yrs h?s br?ught ?b?ut c?ntr?dict?ry inf?r?nc?s, h?w?v?r ? c?mm?n thrd th?t wv?s thr?ugh th? p?litic?l ?c?n?mics lit?r?tur? is th?t th? rich ?r? g?tting rich?r f?st?r th?n th? pr ?r? g?tting rich?r. P?ul Krugm?n, pr?f?ss?r ?f ?c?n?mics ?t th? Univ?rsity ?f Princ?t?n ?nd th? m?st c?ntr?v?rsi?l p?litic?l ?c?n?mist in ?m?ric? during th?s? yrs, h?s ?ddr?ss?d this hyp?th?sis in ? h?st ?f ?rticl?s in his m?ny bks, n?wsp?p?r ?nd m?g?zin? ?rticl?s ?t ?l. In F?r Rich?r, th? first ?ss?y in ? N?w Y?rk Tim?s s?ri?s ?n cl?ss ?nd cl?ss w?rs in th? Unit?d St?t?s, P?ul Krugm?n invit?s th? rd?r’s ?tt?nti?n t? issu?s th?t th? lib?rt?ri?n ?c?n?mists ?ft?n ign?r? ?r f?il t? r?c?gniz? in th?ir disc?urs?s. H? pr?cl?ims th? dis?ppr?nc? ?f th? middl? cl?ss, illustr?t?s th? incrsing pr?bl?ms ?f inc?m? in?qu?lity ?nd plut?cr?cy, ?nd ?x?min?s th? ?ff?rts by ?c?n?mists ?s w?ll ?s g?v?rnm?nt instituti?ns t? c?ncl cl?ss c?mp?siti?n using st?tistic?l d?t?. Th? shifting p?r?digms ?f c?rp?r?t? ?x?cutiv? ?thics ?nd influ?nc? is y?t ?n?th?r t?pic discuss?d in th? ?ss?y. (Krugm?n, 2002) Whil? Krugm?n’s s?urc?s m?y b? limit?d ?nd ?v?n d?b?t?d, it p?ints t? c?rt?in ?ss?nti?l ?nd cruci?l s?ci?-p?litic?l ?nd ?c?n?mic issu?s pl?guing th? ?m?ric?n s?ci?ty. Th?t th? ?m?ric?ns ?r? pr?s?ntly living in ? n?w Gild?d ?g?, which is ?s ?xtr?v?g?nt ?s th? ?rigin?l, but with ? g?p b?twn th? v?ry rich ?nd th? r?st wid?ning f?st?r th?n ?v?r. Wh?t?v?r b? th? ?ll?g?ti?ns ?n P?ul Krugm?n, it is imp?rt?nt th?t th? issu?s ?r? ?ddr?ss?d ?nd ?ppr?pri?t? msur?s id?ntifi?d f?r th? citiz?ns ?nd g?v?rnm?nt t? ch?ng? th? difficult st?t? ?f things. Krugm?n’s ?n?lysis ?nd ?d?m Smith’s C?nc?pts ?f S?lf-int?r?st ?nd â€Å" Invisibl? H?nd† ?s Krugm?n’s ?bs?rv?ti?ns ?r? ?ss?nti?lly f?cus?d ?n th? individu?l’s grd ?nd s?lf-int?r?st in th? c?pit?list s?ci?ty th?t ?m?ric? is, it w?uld b? w?rthwhil? t? r?l?t? th?s? ?bs?rv?ti?ns with th?s? ?f ?d?m Smith, th? 18th c?ntury phil?s?ph?r ?c?n?mist wh? wr?t? Th? Wlth ?f N?ti?ns, ? t?ur d? f?rc? ?n th? thry ?f c?pit?lism intr?ducing th? c?nc?pt ?f th? â€Å"invisibl? h?nd† th?t lds c?pit?list s?ci?ti?s t? ?c?n?mic ?ffici?ncy. Whil? ?d?m Smith b?li?v?d grtly in th? intrinsic w?rth ?f th? c?pit?lism ?nd s?-c?ll?d â€Å"invisibl? h?nd† ?f th? m?rk?t, h? c?uld f?r?s th? s?lf-int?r?st?d b?h?vi?r ?f busin?ssm?n. ?cc?rding t? Smith, m?ximizing s?lf-int?r?st w?s ? ‘r?ti?n?l’ b?h?vi?r in ?c?n?mics. His ?ft?n qu?t?d ?bs?rv?ti?n fr?m Th? Wlth ?f N?ti?ns : ‘ppl? ?f th? s?m? tr?d? s?ld?m mt t?g?th?r, ?v?n f?r m?rrim?nt ?nd div?rsi?n, but th? c?nv?rs?ti?n ?nds in ? c?nspir?cy ?g?inst th? public, ?r in s?m? c?ntriv?nc? t? r?is? pric?s’  œ imply th?t th? busin?ssm?n ?r? ?lw?ys c?nc?rn?d ?f m?king th?ms?lv?s rich?r, ?v?n if its by h?rming th?ir f?ll?w citiz?ns ?nd th?ir n?ti?n. P?ul Krugm?n’s ?bs?rv?ti?n ?n c?rp?r?t? ?x?cutiv? ?thics ?nd th? st?tistic?l d?t? th?t h? pr?s?nts ?n th? c?nc?ntr?ti?n ?f wlth in ? f?w h?nds in â€Å" F?r Rich?r† f?lls in lin? with ?d?m Smith’s d?scripti?n ?f th? c?pit?list syst?m, which is ?ss?nti?lly pr?p?ll?d by th? s?lf-int?r?st?d b?h?vi?r ?f th? busin?ssm?n. H?w?v?r, ? m?in ?rgum?nt in Th? Wlth ?f N?ti?ns is th?t th? fr c?pit?list m?rk?t, th?ugh smingly chtic ?nd unc?ntr?ll?d, is in rlity str?d t? pr?duc? th? right qu?ntity ?nd r?ng? ?f gds by ? s?-c?ll?d â€Å"invisibl? h?nd.† ?cc?rding t? his thry, in th? ?v?nt ?f ? pr?duct sh?rt?g?, its pric? ris?s, which crt?s th? m?tiv?ti?n f?r its incrs?d pr?ducti?n, thus curing th? sh?rt?g? ultim?t?ly. Th? ‘invisibl? h?nd’ n?t ?nly guid?s pr?ducti?n, but ?ls? guid?s th? pric? ?f th? pr?duct in ? c?mp?titiv? c?pit?list syst?m. Th? incrs?d c?mp?titi?n ?m?ng m?nuf?ctur?rs ?nd th? incrs?d supply w?uld ?v?ntu?lly l?w?r th? pric? ?f th? pr?duct t? its pr?ducti?n c?st, which h? t?rm?d th? â€Å"n?tur?l pric?.† N?n?th?l?ss, Smith w?s c?uti?us ?f th? s?lf-int?r?st ?f busin?ssm?n ?nd insist?d ?g?inst th? f?rm?ti?n ?f m?n?p?li?s. Smith h?ld th?t whil? hum?n m?tiv?s ?r? ?ft?n s?lfish ?nd grdy, th? c?mp?titi?n in th? fr m?rk?t w?uld t?nd t? b?n?fit s?ci?ty ?s ? wh?l? ?nyw?y. Krugm?n’s ?n?lysis ?nd D? T?cqu?vill?’s ‘S?lf-Int?r?st Pr?p?rly Und?rstd’ ?l?xis d? T?cqu?vill? in his bk D?m?cr?cy in ?m?ric? ?ls? ?ddr?ss?d th? issu? ?f s?lf-int?r?st ?f ?m?ric?ns. H?w?v?r Krugm?n’s ?bs?rv?ti?ns diff?r signific?ntly fr?m T?cqu?vill?’s c?nc?pt ?f ‘s?lf int?r?st pr?p?rly und?rstd. T?cqu?vill? d?scrib?d ?m?ric? ?s ? c?mmunity ?f gd S?m?rit?ns, with ppl? p?rsist?ntly h?lping ?n? ?n?th?r. H? ?xpl?ins h?w ?m?ric?ns h?d ?n inn?t? gr?sp ?f th? c?nc?pt ?f ?nlight?n?d s?lf-int?r?st: â€Å"Th? ?m?ric?ns ?nj?y ?xpl?ining ?lm?st ?v?ry ?ct ?f th?ir liv?s ?n th? principl? ?f s?lf-int?r?st pr?p?rly und?rstd.† H? c?ntinu?s t? s?y â€Å"?nlight?n?d s?lf-l?v? c?ntinu?lly lds th?m t? h?lp ?n? ?n?th?r ?nd inclin?s th?m t? d?v?t? frly ? p?rt ?f th?ir tim? ?nd wlthy t? th? w?lf?r? ?f th? st?t?.† (T?cqu?vill?, 1840; pg. 611) T?cqu?vill?’s principl? ?f s?lf-int?r?st pr?p?rly und?rstd sms t? b? in lin? with th? pr?-1970s ?m?ric? pr?s?nt?d by Krugm?n; it’s h?rd t? ?ss?ci?t? th? s?lf –int?r?st ?f m?d?rn c?rp?r?t? ?x?cutiv?s r?p?rt?d by Krugm?n with T?cqu?vill?’s c?nc?pt ?f s?lf int?r?st. Krugm?n’s ?bs?rv?ti?ns sms in lin? with th?t ?f ?d?m Smith, in th?t h? ?ttribut?s th? ?c?n?mic ?chi?v?m?nts ?f th? Unit?d St?t?s t? th? c?nc?ntr?ti?n ?f inc?m? ?t th? t?p, typic?l ?f fr m?rk?t syst?m, h?w?v?r his hyp?th?s?s gs b?y?nd th? â€Å"invisibl? h?nds† ?f th? m?rk?t th?t Smith c?nsid?r?d w?uld b?n?fit th? s?ci?ty. Krugm?n c?nsid?rs th? c?nc?ntr?ti?n ?f wlth ?n th? t?p ?s th? m?in rs?n th?t th? Unit?d St?t?s h?s m?r? p?v?rty ?nd l?w?r lif? ?xp?ct?ncy th?n ?ny ?th?r m?j?r ?dv?nc?d n?ti?n. Th?ugh h? c?nsid?rs th? hyp?th?sis ?f th? ?ff?cts ?f â€Å"gl?b?liz?ti?n†, â€Å"skill-bi?s?d t?chn?l?gic?l ch?ng?,† ?nd â€Å"sup?rst?r† thry, h? c?nclud?s th?t ?xpl?n?ti?ns f?r th? gr?wing in?qu?liti?s ultim?t?ly t? th? â€Å"r?l? ?f s?ci?l n?rms in s?tting limits t? in?qu?lity.† (Krugm?n, 2002) P?ul Krugm?n’s vi?ws in ? w?y c?nfirm ?d?m Smith’s c?uti?n ?f th? grd ?f th? busin?ssm?n, h?w?v?r h? f?ils t? id?ntify th? invisibl? h?nd th?t w?uld guid? th? s?lf-int?r?st t?w?rds th? b?n?fit ?f th? s?ci?ty. Whil? h? ?ss?nti?lly sms t? ?gr with ?d?m Smith’s n?ti?n th?t individu?l’s s?lf int?r?st might indir?ctly pr?m?t? th? int?r?st ?f th? s?ci?ty, h? sugg?sts th? pr?lif?r?ti?n ?f gl?b?l tr?d? ?nd gl?b?liz?ti?n ?f busin?ss, th? ?m?rg?nc? ?f th? n?w ?c?n?my c?upl?d with th? ?bs?nc? ?f s?ci?l n?rms h?v? incrsing sid?lin?d th? ‘invisibl? h?nd’. Krugm?n’s ?ss?y ?ss?nti?lly p?int t? th? nd f?r g?v?rnm?nt?l c?ntr?l by crting ?ff?ctiv? l?ws ?nd th? r?instituti?n ?f ?thic?l n?rms in th? c?rp?r?t? w?rld, s? th?t ?d?m Smith’s m?gic?l â€Å"invisibl? h?nd† will guid? busin?ss?s in th? right dir?cti?n. Th?n c?rp?r?ti?ns ?nd ?x?cutiv?s , whil? trying t? m?k? th?ms?lv?s rich?r, will finish up d?ing things th?t ?r? gd f?r th? wh?l? s?ci ?ty. Research Papers on PÐ °ul KrugmÐ °n’s â€Å"FÐ ¾r RichÐ µr†19 Century Society: A Deeply Divided EraLifes What IfsStandardized TestingComparison: Letter from Birmingham and CritoMarketing of Lifeboy Soap A Unilever ProductQuebec and CanadaAssess the importance of Nationalism 1815-1850 EuropeTwilight of the UAWThe Project Managment Office SystemDefinition of Export Quotas

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Should Women be Allowed in Combat Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Should Women be Allowed in Combat - Essay Example First thing to consider is that there is around 13% of the military population is comprised by women (Willens 1996). Before women reached this population inside the military, there have been limitations on their integration to the military from 32000 which is very minimal (Willens 1996). Although certain situations like the World War II and other conflicts that have occurred between countries provided certain conditions that allowed several numbers of women in the military (Willens 1996). Women have provided significant contributions in the logistical matters, medical operations and the like in the military operations (Jelinek 2011). This contribution of women in the military is clear. This can be considered a feminist move in this case and this is a manifestation for women trying to get equality and representation in the military field wherein gender politics is a very intriguing matter (Butler 1990, p. 1). This act of women to be involved in the military is a major move that challe nges the patriarchal conventions that have existed in the society since the establishment of societies and having undergone development as seen in the world nowadays (Rosenbluth 2008, p. 2). ... dered in its fullest scope, then the case of inclusion of gays and lesbian is a selective equality and not a full consideration of ensuring equality in its fullest scope. Also, the fact that women are not included in the military highlights the persistence of military to live out the traditional norms that surround gender. (Rosenbluth 2008, p. 4).This is the very condition even if feminist movements have demanded that women should be integrated in the military. Paradoxically, the condition of democracy conforming to equality becomes an illusion in the way women are allowed only into certain condition inside the military. The problem here is that women, despite of the certain efforts of the government to recognize their efforts in the military like the Women’s Armed Integration Service Act, is not fully recognize according to the gender neutral premises in military selection and promotion (Willens 1996). Even if the dominance of the democratic political thought that recognizes equality in its fullest scope, lawmakers who are carefully assessing on the matter, employs a very different standard that limits the presence of women in the military. One thing is that women’s welfare be prioritized (Jelenik 2011). Their safety is being considered since even if women are allowed to be in military, they are not allowed to engage the conflict on the front line (Jelenik 2011). At the same time, there is already a consideration towards women of being war prisoners wherein the trauma that might go through will be excruciating on their part, making them dysfunctional (Willens 1996). Also, the presence of women in the military is already a good notion to consider since their integration has been achieved (Jelenik 2011). There are already existing mechanisms like the military

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Entrepreneurship and Innovation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 1

Entrepreneurship and Innovation - Essay Example ( There has been a surge in smart phone ownership, with growth particularly strong over the last year, up by 81 per cent from 7.2 million users in May 2009 to 12.8 million in May 2010. In June 2010, over a quarter of people in the UK (26.5 per cent) said they had a smart phone; more than double the number two years previously ( This data can be used to imply that the Smart Phone would have wide acceptability in the market. One of the important assumptions which we can make here is that the growth in the market will make smart phone more affordable majority of people in the United Kingdom, their proliferation will increase and also lead to a surge in the contents of the mobile and data consumption. A new report regarding the geography of smart phones indicates that the shipment of smart phones in the first quarter of the year was 55.2 million with the growth hitting 67% year-on-year. ( It is assumed further that it provi des a substantial opportunity for different people in the mobile ecosystem – from operators and manufacturers to publishers and advertisers – who adapt to this dynamic market. ... On 7th May, 2009, a long-awaited recommendation on the mobile termination rates to reduce termination charges was adapted by EU by the end of 2012. ( On 1st April, 2010, a statement with a further consultation was issued to the mobile number porting process in which the porting time took one day ( The standard Value Added Tax rate is 17.5%, however, it will be increased to 20% in January 2011 ( The call tariffs indicate that calls may be charged by any residential or business package selected as the Charge Costing Package ( This implies that the market for mobile phone users is likely to be damaged as the call rates may rise because of the increases in tariffs mentioned above. Apart from that, the mobile operator companies are likely to introduce new packages to attract more consumers. This would directly have an impact on Vertigo as the demand for cell phones would rise pertaining to offers and packages introduced by Ope rators (Gruber, 2005). PART B 1. Financial Budget and Forecast for 3 year (Apple iphone; Assumed) The sales forecast is assumed on the basis of iPhone units sold by Apple in the past year when it was launched. As reported by O2, Vodaphone, Tesco and Apple’s management, iPhones were set to reach 2.5 million units. Furthermore, 10.7 million units were sold throughout Europe and 11 million units are expected to be sold in the year 2010 therefore, these figures are assumed to be the UK’s share in the latter. (; Prices are kept constant however; they are adjusted with an expected inflation rate of 4%. The Annexure at the end of this

Monday, November 18, 2019

ZAPPOS the largest online shoe retailer Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

ZAPPOS the largest online shoe retailer - Essay Example It achieves a competitive advantage over its rivals through the loyalty business strategy and the liaison marketing that is embraces. The key source that contributes to the growth and development of is the recurring customers and the oral recommendations from consumers that receive quality services. Over its course of operation, this company has over 75% of recurring consumers. The customer service has a better reputation that is augmented by the online trust drivers that the company utilizes in increasing its loyalty, credibility, and trust among others towards the buyers. Internet marketing has tremendous influenced the welfare of this organization. I used to navigate through the website aimlessly and after I was assigned the task of searching its validity, I had to evaluate its website in order to ensure that, it is a reliable website and one could place an order with ease. In my evaluation, I consulted various scholars, researchers, peer-reviewed sources, and so forth in order to determine the forces behind being the largest online shoe retailer. Online trust was the key aspect that enhanced the wellbeing of (Cheskin/Sapient Report, 1999). It is essential to adopt an acceptable definition of trust before commencing on this topic. According to† (Rousseau, Sitkin, Burt and Camerer, 1998, p. 395), â€Å"Trust is an emotional state that comprises the aim to accept the liability established on the positive anticipations of behaviors of another†. Trust entails the enthusiasm to agree to the susceptibility, but with hope that a person can depend on the other party (Lewicki et. al. 1998; Moorman, Zaltman & Deshpande, 1992; Morgan and Hunt, 1994). In internet marketing, trust is perceived in lieu of relationship marketing (Doney and Cannon 1997; Dwyer, Schurr and Oh 1987; Ganesan 1994; Ganesan and Hess 1997; Morgan and Hunt 1994). In addition, in studying the Buyer –seller interactions, trust between the two perso ns takes time and depends on the observations that the buyer makes on the seller’s, consistency, constancy and credibility (Anderson and Narus, 1990; Doney and Cannon, 1997; Gane san, 1994). This view is unswerving with the behavioral reliance proposed by Schlosser, White, and Lloyd, 2003). Online trust, or rather the trust on the internet, greatly differs from offline trust in significant ways. As opposed to the offline trust, the key thing in online trust in the website, application of internet in transactions and the technology used. The website used by a firm can make a good foundation in building the customers trust, and thus enhancing the reputation of the seller (Jarvenpaa et al. 2000). The manner in which a customer would relate to an offline seller is similar to his/her dealing with a website and customers develop views of trust in a website depending on their relationship with the website. To the degree that a customer develops some positive impact about a website a nd accept liability, he/she must develop some trust with the website. The customers view pertaining to the competence of a website to carry out its purpose, and its perception in offering quality services behind the online business is contributive to his/her insight of trust in the website. In this context, online trust comprises customer perceptions of the way the site would deliver based on the expectations of the customer, and the authenticity of the information and self-assurance of the site. There are various perceptions driven by numerous precursors. Effects of Drivers of Online Trust Even though, online trusts have numerous potential antecedents and impacts, as detailed by Shankar et al. (2002), based on

Friday, November 15, 2019

Spin Coherent State in Real Parameterization SU(4)

Spin Coherent State in Real Parameterization SU(4) Coherent states in SU(4) of spin systems and calculate the Berry phase for qudit with spin 3/2 particle in SU(4) in quantum mechanics Yadollah Farahmand*, ZABIALAH HEIDARNEZHAD**, Fatemeh Heidarnezhad***, Fatemeh Heydari*** and Kh . Kh Muminov* Abstract In this paper, we develop the formulation of the spin coherent state in real parameterization SU(4).we obtain Berry phase from Schrdinger equation. For vector states, basic kets are coherent states in real parameterization. Wecalculate Berry phase for qudit with spin S=3/2 in SU(3) group and Berry phase. Key words: quantum mechanics, Schrdinger equation ,coherent state ,SU(n)group , Quadrupole moment , Berry phase. Introduction In 1984 Berry published a paper [1] which has until now deeply influenced the physical community. In mechanics (including classical mechanics as well as quantum mechanics), theGeometric phase, or the Pancharatnam-Berry phase (named after S. Pancharatnam and Sir Michael Berry), also known as the Pancharatnam phase or, more commonly, Berry phase[2], Therein he considers cyclic evolutions of systems under special conditions, namely adiabatic ones. He finds that an additional phase factor occursin contrast to the well-known dynamical phase factor. is a phase acquired over the course of a cycle, when the system is subjected to cyclic adiabatic processes, resulting from the geometrical properties of the parameter space of the Hamiltonian. Apart from quantum mechanics, it arises in a variety of other wave systems, such as classical optics [3].As a rule of thumb, it occurs when ever there are at least two parameters affecting a wave, in the vicinity of some sort of singularity or some sort o f hole in the topology. In nonrelativistic quantum mechanics, the state of a system is described by the vector of the Hilbert space (the wave function) ∈ H which depends on time and some set of other variables depending on the considered problem. The evolution of a quantum system in time t is described by the Schrodinger equation We consider a quantum system described by a Hamiltonian H that depends ona multidimensional real parameter R which parameterizes the environment of the system. The time evolution is described by the timedependent Schrodinger equation We can choose at any instant a basis of eigen statesfor the Hamiltonian labelled by the quantum number n such that the eigen value equation is fulfilled We assume that the energy spectrum of H is discrete, that the eigen values are not degenerated and that no level crossing occurs during the evolution. Suppose the environment and therefore R(t) is adiabatically varied, that means the changes happen slowly in time compared to the characteristic time scale of the system. The system starts in the n-the nergy eigen state then according to the adiabatic theorem the system stays over the whole evolution in the n-the igen state of the instant Hamiltonian. But it is possible that the state gains some phase factor which does not affect the physical state. Therefore the state of the system can be written as One would expect that this phase factor is identical with the dynamical phase factorwhich is the integral over the energy eigenvalues but it is not forbidden by the adiabatic theorem and the Schrodinger equation to add another term which is called the Berry phase [4-8] We can determine this additional term by inserting the an sat z (4) together with equation (6) into the Schrodinger equation (1). This yields with the simplifying notation R ≠¡R(t) After taking the inner product (which should be normalized) with we get and after the integration where we introduced the notation Then the total change in the phase of the wave function is equal to theintegra The respective local form of the curvature has only two nonzero components: The expression for the Berry phase (14) can be rewritten as a surface integral of the components of the local curvature form. Using Stokes formulae, we obtain the following expression where S is a surface in and are components of the local curvature form .[9] Berrys phase for coherent state in SU(4) group for a spin particle (qudit) We consider reference state as for a spin-3/2 particle (qudit) in SU(4) in nonrelativistic quantum mechanics. Coherent state in real parameter in this group is in the following form [10-12] where |0i is reference state and is Wigner function. Quadrupole moment is Octupole moment is If we insert all above calculation in coherent state, obtain: Discussion Geometric phases are important in quantum physics and are now central to fault tolerant quantum computation. We have presented a detailed analysis of geometrical phase that can arise within general representations of coherent states in real parameterization in SU(4). Berry phase also change in similar method. We can continues this method to obtain Berry phase in SU(N) group, where N ≠¥ 5 . we can also obtain Berry phase from complex variable base ket, we conclusion that result in two different base ket is similar. Berry phase application in optic, magnetic resonance, molecular and atomic physics [13,14] . References [1] M. V. Berry, â€Å"Quantal phase factors accompanying adiabatic changes,†Proc.R. Soc. Lond. A 392 (1984) 45–57. [2] S. Pancharatnam, Proc. Ind. Acad. Sci. A44, 247-262 (1956). [3] M.V. Berry, J. Mod. Optics 34, 1401-1407 (1987). [4] M. V. Berry. 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Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Personal relationships :: essays research papers

I don’t think that anything brings people together more than mutual hatred, except mutual hatred for each other. I suppose that is why my ex-boyfriends and I still talk to each other, or, I should say, one of my ex-boyfriends, Rob. The other one, Andrew, and I don’t talk at all. I suppose that means we must really hate each other. But the reason we don’t talk is that it still hurts, and that wound runs very deep, I doubt if it will ever heal. The â€Å"blues† is losing someone you love and not having enough money to immerse yourself in drink. And so when I had lost Andrew, Cupid sent Rob along, and he paid for the tab. In short, I am convinced that Andrew is heartless and devoid of having any conviction or remorse for his wickedness. And as for Rob, I am honored to be able to say that, yes, he is my friend, and one of the most amazing people I have ever met.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Rob was a Marine. Andrew was in the Army. Their temperaments were just as opposite as the branches of the military they served. Rob was an introverted kind of guy, completely content to sit and read a novel or sit quietly in a theatre. He wasn’t the kind of guy that liked to be the center of attention or draw the spotlight to himself. Andrew, on the other hand, was the most extraverted person I have ever seen. He was the life of the party, always out and about socializing, and loved all the attention than anyone would be willing to give him. Andrew was aggressive, Rob was passive. Even though they were different, they were a lot alike. Which is why, I suppose, I was attracted to both of them. They both had strong leadership skills and the ability to always make me smile when I was sad, console me when I cried, and amuse me with their humor when I needed to be 03 cheered. On my nineteenth birthday, Andrew called at 12:00AM to sing â€Å"happy birthday† to me in a Frank Sinatra style, and Rob telephoned to leave The Beatles â€Å"so they say it’s your birthday† at 2:07AM on my voice mail. They each had their differences, but even their similarities had their own flavor.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Physically, I would have to say that both Rob and Andrew were enough to put Brad Pitt and Johnny Depp out of business.